Q: Can the videos be played using any browser?

A:  Yes.We suggest you use Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer 9 or later for the best performance. Older browsers have difficulty supporting the speed required by video playback.  Internet Explorer 8 or earlier are not supported for video playback.

Q: Can the videos be played on an iPad?

A:  Yes. As with all videos played on an iPad, there may be up to a 20-second delay before the video starts.

Q: Can I watch the videos using Windows Media Player or Apple QuickTime?

A:  No, videos can only be viewed using the video player provided within the ETS Classroom Video Library.

Q: Can I download the video and watch it without a connection to the Internet?

A:  No, the video library is only available directly from our website.

Q: How many simultaneous users can watch the videos at my school at the same time?

A:  Only your organization's technical staff can answer that question. Each individual user who is playing the video requires at least 200KB/Sec of Internet access speed. If your school or organization has a T-1 Internet connection dedicated for video, then you can expect no problems with 7 simultaneous users. If your school or organization uses a Cable Company (10Mb/Sec) for Internet access, it can probably support 40 simultaneous video viewers. Your school or organization may use special “caching” software which may increase the number of users that can watch a video simultaneously .Please check with your technical staff.


Q: What does the small colored dot on the lower left of each video signify?

A:  The green, yellow or red dot located on the lower left of each video indicates the degree to which your Internet connection speed is capable of streaming the video. If the dot turns yellow or red and you experience delayed or choppy playback, it is an indication of slow Internet speed. You may try again at a later time or contact your Internet Service Provider.

Q: The video stops intermittently when it plays and seems to have buffering problems. What should I do?

A:  Check your Internet connection. Also check the color of the dot on the lower left of the video. It provides an indication of your Internet connection speed.

Q: When I attempt to play the free preview videos, I see a message "Network Error." What does that mean?

A:  More than likely, the Internet filtering software used in your school or organization has blocked access to the servers that host our videos. Please contact your technical staff and request that the following two domains be "Whitelisted:" cloudfront.net and mylearningplan.com.